Same Day Flower Delivery on Orders $50+ | Shop Online or Call 905-983-9155
**Limited Time Sale** No Code Needed! A Dozen Red Roses in a Vase for Only $58.47
The Dawning Love Bouquet offers warm sun-drenched beauty to win their heart! This exquisite arrangement of fuchsia roses, red gerbera daisies, orange spray roses, burgundy mini carnations, peach Peruvian Lilies and lush greens create a splash of color and limitless charm. Arriving in a slender clear glass vase, this bouquet is the perfect way to celebrate any of life's special occasions.
Same Day Flower Delivery on Orders $50+ | Shop Online or Call 905-983-9155
**Limited Time Sale** No Code Needed! A Dozen Red Roses in a Vase for Only $58.47