Same Day Flower Delivery on Orders $50+ | Shop Online or Call 905-983-9155
**Limited Time Sale** No Code Needed! A Dozen Red Roses in a Vase for Only $58.47
This arrangement features an enchanting mix of hot pink roses, pink carnations, miniature white carnations, and pink statice. This vibrant arrangement is beautifully complemented by dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, and lemon leaf. It is delivered in Teleflora's Radiant Joy Lantern. Approximately 14 1/4 W x 16 1/4 H (Items may vary slightly based on availability and freshness)
Same Day Flower Delivery on Orders $50+ | Shop Online or Call 905-983-9155
**Limited Time Sale** No Code Needed! A Dozen Red Roses in a Vase for Only $58.47